9 June 2022
If you’re new to singing, you probably have a list of questions about how to get started. What are the best warm up exercises? What should I sing for my first audition? How do I find a good vocal coach? While there’s no one right way to become a singer, I can offer some advice on the best way to start. Here are my top four tips for beginner singers:
Always warm up.
Most people know to warm up before they do any physical activity. If you run, stretch your muscles and jog around the block a few times before you run a marathon. The same applies to singing—you need to warm up before you sing or perform.
Warming up will help your body get into the right position and make sure that all of your muscles are ready for use when it comes time to sing!
Good Breathing Techniques.
The most important thing for beginner singers to remember is the importance of using good breathing techniques for singing. Without it, you won’t be able to sing with any power or control, let alone emotion or stamina. Using correct breathing techniques will also help you to avoid vocal strain and other bad habits.
Using correct breathing techniques when you’re singing is by engaging intercoastal diaphragmatic breathing that allows air into your lower lungs (the ones below your ribs) rather than taking shallow breaths (where your shoulders and chest rise). This will give you more endurance when singing and prevent fatigue from creeping in too early on.