AFD Vocal & Performance Coaching gives all students the opportunity to take LCM examinations in Popular Music Vocals and Music Theatre and Early Learning Music (under 5). I enter students for singing exams up to three times a year depending on the student’s individual training plan (spring, summer and winter). Singing exams are accessible to all students and I am committed to creating an inclusive environment where students with special needs, disabilities and other health conditions are able to take singing exams and feel comfortable demonstrating their skills. Popular Music Vocals and Music Theatre exams can be taken by children who are 5+. For children under 5, I offer LCM Early Learning Music grades.
Singing examinations can be a great tool to young performers. Not only do singing exam grades translate to GSCE regulated qualifications framework (grade 1+) and UCAS points (grade 6+) which may be helpful when applying to university, but they allow students to not only expand their vocal skills but also gain knowledge in areas such as; creative and critical thinking, technical understanding, music theory, contemporary and pre 1960 relevance to the performing arts, decision making, creating written work on music pieces and professionalism.